
Menat street fighter 6
Menat street fighter 6

  • Breath Weapon: Heart of Gold, his new move in his V-Trigger II, has him fire a Painfully Slow Projectile of dark energy from his mouth.
  • Braids of Barbarism: And they are long braids.
  • In fact, he introduces himself to Nash as a sheep.
  • Body Snatcher: He apparently has the ability to possess the bodies of animals.
  • Blood Knight: Similarly to Akuma, he seeks out strong opponents for a fight to the death.
  • Black Eyes of Crazy: His sclera turn black when he uses his V-Trigger.
  • Consuming the Warrior Prophet resulted in his current look.
  • Bishōnen Line: He was once a monster made from stone and clay.
  • only for Akuma to explode out of his stomach. He even manages to get beaten by Balrog of all people. Other than that, he fights Dhalsim to a draw, loses to Bison, and ultimately loses to Ryu in a rematch. The only battle he wins is against an unfocused Ryu, but Dhalsim was thankfully there to protect him.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Despite his intimidating appearance and otherworldly powers, he just can't catch a break in the game's story.
  • The Berserker: He, or rather his "techniques" have shades of this trope.
  • Because Destiny Says So: It is prophesied that Necalli will hunt down and devour Ryu (for his Satsui no Hado), Dhalsim (for the power given to him by Agni), and Bison (for his Psycho Power).
  • menat street fighter 6

    Unlike Oni, who slams the opponent down face first, we never see what Necalli does to his opponent. Beating A Dead Player: His winpose, like Oni, has him grabbing the opponent by the head and holding them up to the sky.

    menat street fighter 6

    Barbarian Longhair: While his ridiculously long hair is kept in braids, when he uses his V-Trigger the braids come undone, leaving his hair floating freely and making him look even more menacing.However, Akuma bursts out of him immediately after. Balloon Belly: He gets one after absorbing Akuma.Anyone hit by it is put into a crumple state. Bad Black Barf: Necalli's V-Skill II has him puke on the ground, which slowly crawls across the ground as a projectile.Badass Boast: Over 90% of his win quotes are these.

    menat street fighter 6

    Averted with his Japanese voice, which is higher pitched. Badass Baritone: Courtesy of Marc Swint.Ax-Crazy: He gives off this impression, with his brutal moveset and bestial, sadistic demeanor.The Assimilator: As shown in his Story Mode, he can use his clay statue body to absorb opponents Majin Buu style.However, that doesn't mean he isn't a threat to other characters, as after his failure to devour Bison's soul, he encounters Rashid, Azam and Charlie, and chases them out of the Shadaloo base. Arc Villain: He essentially represents Ryu's struggle against the Satsui No Hadou, and pursues Ryu's soul more than either Dhalsim and Bison.Anime Hair: He has incredibly long black and red braids, and if he powers himself up, they'll glow entirely red and begin to float.As long as no one removes the talisman, he's basically stuck like that. During his fight with Hsien-Ko, her sister places a talisman on him, trapping him in stone. And I Must Scream: His fate in the UDON comics.In reality, his role in Story Mode is incredibly small, and he exists solely to give Ryu something to do for the majority of the plot. Advertised Extra: He was the most heavily promoted of the four new characters introduced to V, and was treated as the franchises next major villain.

    menat street fighter 6

    In accordance to an ancient prophecy surrounding him, Necalli intends to hunt down and consume the souls of Ryu (for his Satsui No Hado), Dhalsim (for the fire power granted to him by the Indian God of Fire, Agni), and Bison (for his Psycho Power). During one such event, he encountered an Aztec Warrior Prophet and consumed him, gaining his current human look. Necalli was once an ancient, Aztec warrior made of stone who, according to legend, appeared during the "Hour of Battle", an event that happened once every hundred years, to consume the souls of strong warriors. A wild, crazed warrior who uses an equally wild, animalistic fighting style to brutalize his enemies.

    Menat street fighter 6